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Courses on administration of Dr.Web products

Course Certification status Total number of specialists with valid certificates
Dr.Web CureNet!
Dr.Web CureNet! network curing utility 11
  • Russia - 3946
  • Kazakhstan - 441
  • Belarus - 67
  • Algeria - 15
  • Cameroon - 9
  • Turkmenistan - 9
  • Moldova - 9
  • Iran - 8
  • Senegal - 8
  • Syria - 7
  • Uzbekistan - 6
  • Greece - 6
  • Ukraine - 6
  • Poland - 5
  • Azerbaijan - 5
  • Cote d'Ivoire - 5
  • France - 3
  • Taiwan - 2
  • Nepal - 2
  • Venezuela - 2
  • Latvia - 1
  • Benin - 1
  • New Zealand - 1
  • Panama - 1
  • Peru - 1
  • Kyrgyzstan - 1
  • Japan - 1
  • Italy - 1
  • Singapore - 1
  • Hungary - 1
  • Tajikistan - 1
  • Georgia - 1
  • Estonia - 1
  • UAE - 1
  • United States - 1
  • Congo, Democratic Republic of the - 1
  • Mali - 1
  • Mexico - 1